Mind & Body Garden Psychology

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Navigating the Dreamland: Your Year-End Sleep Guide, Ready For a Great New Year!

As we say goodbye to this year, have you ever wondered what sleep science suggests us to do, so we can sleep better, and rest better? Dr. Yishan Xu summarized many sleep experts’ advice in the Deep into Sleep Podcast this year, and provided this sleep guide to you. Hope these 4 science-proved sleep tips can help you end the year with more peaceful nights and start the next one feeling refreshed!

Tip 1: Try Weighted Blankets

Weighted blankets, initially regarded as cozy companions during chilly nights, have emerged as therapeutic tools in the domain of sleep science. A lot of research found that after using weighted blankets for a while, symptoms of insomnia, depression, and anxiety may all significantly decreased, in various samples

For example, Dr. Xue from Dr. Benedict’s team in Sweden, shared thier research findings, and suggested that, using a blanket with a reasonable weight can potentially lead to increased salivary concentrations of melatonin and oxytocin, providing a scientific explanation for why weighted blankets may aid in improving sleep quality.

However, what is a “reasonable weight“? Find out more in Dr. Yishan’s YouTube Video.

Tip 2: Time-Restricted Diet

Dr. Yishan, in a recent YouTube video, shed light on the profound connection between dietary habits and sleep quality. Referencing a study from Germany, and a previous guest, Dr. Blum’s research work, she pointed out that: a time-restricted diet, when practiced consistently, could result in a notable enhancement in sleep quality.

How to restrict your diet timing works best for your sleep? Dr. Yishan explained in more details in these two videos.

Tip 3: Try Vitamin-D Supplements

Picture yourself in the sun-drenched San Francisco Bay Area, surrounded by people grappling with Vitamin D deficiency. You wonder why, despite your regular outdoor activities and wonderful California weather, your Vitamin D level is still so low.

Surprisingly, despite regular sun exposure, the prevalence of Vitamin D deficiency is quite common. Dr. Yishan’s exploration into Vitamin D supplementation, supported by insights from her podcast guests, like ENT oral surgeon Dr. Park and neurologist Dr. Gominak, underscores its potential benefits.

Vitamin D deficiency has been found to be related to different sleep disorders, including difficulties in sleep initiation and maintenance, emphasizing the role of this vital vitamin in sleep regulation. In this YouTube video, Dr, Yishan quoted some research discussing whether Vitamin D supplementation could improve sleep quality or sleep quantity, and whether it could help with specific sleep disorders.

Tip 4: Be a Nose Breather

The realm of sleep science has witnessed debates on the efficacy and safety of mouth taping, a method aimed at encouraging nose breathing during sleep. The underlying question becomes evident – how effective is nose breathing, and how can we leverage it during sleep?

Insights from myofunctional therapist Renata and ENT oral surgeon Dr. Park, were discussed in this video. They both recommend mouth taping with caution, adding an extra layer of practical advice.

Detailed information, including interviews and research discussions, will soon be available on Dr. Yishan’s podcast and YouTube channel.


As you wrap up your year-end sleep exploration armed with these personalized tips, you are not just closing a chapter – you are opening a new one. From the snug embrace of a perfectly weighted blanket to the rhythmic dance of a time-restricted diet, the sunshine-packed benefits of Vitamin D, and the intentional practice of nose breathing – each tip is a partner in your sleep journey.

If you have any other questions about sleep, please check out Dr. Yishan’s “Deep into Sleep” podcast. A new video regarding this same topic will also be posted very soon on Dr. Yishan’s YouTube channel, offering you a more comprehensive overview of the world of sleep. Please stay in tune!

Here’s to a year filled with restful nights, happy dreams, and waking up ready to tackle whatever comes your way. Sleep tight and see you in dreamland!

This blog article is drafted by Christine Gao, based on Dr. Yishan’s new YouTube video

The guest interviews & Dr. Yishan’s shorter videos mentioned in this episode:

- Dr. Benedict: What will happen to our metabolism system after nights of poor sleep?

- Myofunctional Therapist: Renata: Can Mouth Taping Make Sleep Better?

- Dr. Gominak: How Can Vitamin Deficiency Disrupt Your Sleep?

- Dr. Blum: How to Deal With Jet Lag Using Time-Restricted Diet?

- How to Eat to Fall Asleep Faster? Science Behind Diet, Energy, & Sleep.

- How to Stop Mouth Breathing? Tape Your Mouth Correctly!

- Sleep Poorly? Neurologist Explains How Vitamin Deficiency Impacts Our Sleep! Vitamin D & Vitamin B.

- Tape Your Mouth When You Sleep: A Cure to Sleep Apnea (OSA), or a Risk?

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